Bhubaneswar to Kolkata Bus Service

Bus from Bhubaneswar (Baramunda) (Via Laxmannath) to Kolkata (West Bengal) is LEYLAND A/C SEATER/SLEEPER MAHARAJA PUSH BACK (2+2) bus, that start at 10:30pm from Bhubaneswar and arrived by 07:00am. The bus ticket booking fare is depending on the bus type. A non-A/C sleeper bus tickets are low cost option as compared to A/C sleeper buses.

The approximate km distance between Bhubaneswar to Kolkata is 450Kms by road. The bus from Bhubaneswar to Kolkata is Leyland A/C Seater/Sleeper Maharaja push back (2+2) by Das & Das Travels. Trip duration for Bhubaneswar to Kolkata is between 8h to 9h depending on the bus type. Travelling from Bhubaneswar to Kolkata (Calcutta) - Babughat, Dharmatala can be comfortable and easy with Das and Das Bus Service.

Bhubaneswar to Kolkata Bus Schedule

Departure City :
Bhubaneswar (Baramunda) Kolkata
Bhubaneswar (Baramunda)
9h-30m Leyland A/C Seater/Sleeper Maharaja push back (2+2)

The daily bus service is scheduled at 10:30pm. With Das & Das Tour and Travels you can book bus service for quality and comfortable bus journeys. Das & Das Tour and Travels ensure safe travel for all travelers.

Daily Bus Services

Many Intercity buses are daily run from Baripada and other city of Odisha to various bus routes in Odisha, and West Bengal. Check out all details about bus routes and timings.

  • Dep 5.30am, 10.40am, 10.00pm
  • Dep 11.50am, 2.50pm, 8.15pm
  • :Dep – 1.05pm, 4.00pm, 9.30pm
  • :Dep – 9.30pm
  • :Dep – 10.30pm
  • :Dep – 9.00pm
  • :Dep – 9.00pm
  • :Dep – 8.00pm
  • :Dep – 6.15am, 10.30pm
  • :Dep – 10.15am, 10.15pm